About Julia

Edible Weeds

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Welcome to Julia's Edible Weeds

Julia’s Edible Weeds is a tribute to the remarkable legacy of Julia, whose deep connection with herbs, weeds, and the overlooked treasures of nature continues to inspire. Julia’s vast knowledge and heartfelt passion for the marginalised—whether in the plant kingdom or the human experience—shaped her work and teachings. By taking over this business, we aim to honor her vision, keeping her wisdom alive and accessible to all.

Her words remain at the heart of this journey:

Join me on a journey of discovering how wild edible plants and green smoothies can help improve your health and well-being. I’m passionate about edible weeds and leafy greens and I want to show you how to use these highly nutritious foods to boost your health and vitality. My intention is for this site to be a resource for anyone interested in learning how to identify edible weeds and to incorporate them into a healthy diet high in raw foods. I will be updating this site regularly with new findings from my research on edible weeds and flowers, my latest wild edible recipes, and other interesting tidbits on growing organic food and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Aaron Smart, a professional filmmaker has created this lovely little film about my work and my love of weeds and eating them. It was entered in the Byron Bay Film Festival.

Julia’s Guide to Edible Weeds and Wild Green Smoothies

Julia’s book is currently available in both printed form (limited copies available) and as an e-book.

Proceeds from book sales will go towards maintaining this website and reprinting the book.


“I purchased your Guide about 2 years ago after doing several courses in wild food foraging at Riverside and Tui down here in Tasman. We have around 100+ Woofers coming through here a year to help with a large-scale restoration project. One of the many free workshops we run here is wild food foraging.
Your Guide is the go-to for inspiration, fact-checking and reference, so I just wanted to say thank you so much for helping us with this project – you’ve inspired people from over 30 countries, I thought you should know!”
Ollie Langridge

Tasman, New Zealand, January 2025

Latest from Julia’s Blog

No Fruit Smoothie

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Wildly inspired poetry

Spring heralds the start of a new growing season, a fresh start with plants waking up and producing colourful flowers or soft new leaves that renew...
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Have you come across yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius) yet? It is a juicy, crunchy, sweet tasting underground tuber, also known as Sunroot, Yacón...
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Queensland arrowroot

I recently discovered a valuable plant in the garden I didn’t know I had. It’s Queensland arrowroot Canna edulis but it actually comes from South...
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