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Edible Weeds

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Onion Weed

Onion Weed

Description other names three-cornered leek light green, grass like leaves and flower stalks are triangular in a cross section (photo below) it is a perennial that grows from small bulbs 1cm in diameter a garden escape being brought here by settlers from Europe even I...
All About Plantain

All About Plantain

Broad-leaved Plantago major, Narrow-leaved Plantago lanceolata Plantago Star of the Earth or Buck’s Horn Plantain Plantago coronopus The Māori name for plantain is kopakopa or parerarera Description esteemed healers since ancient times Anglo-Saxon names Waybroad’ or...


Violet – Viola odorata The delicate, sweet scent of violet flowers wafts in the air as I go near the heart shaped leaves of this plant. The meaning of Violet is modesty, she calms tempers and has a cooling effect. This is because the leaves are mucilaginous (or...