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growing food

These images are all from my garden. I grow wheatgrass in small containers and I have 6 going at once from freshly sown to tall. I start a new one about every week. I cut a handful per day for my smoothie. I let it regrow and then cut it again.

After the second cut I tip out the earth onto the garden, refill the container with potting mix, some worm casts from my Can O Worms and then sow the seed thickly so that they are touching one another but not overlapping.

In winter when it is cold put them on a sunny windowsill or in a mini plastic house. I found some you can buy through Amazon.

I also grow peas as microgreens and put them in smoothies or in salads. My niece made the ceramic container with Basil mint.

The small seedlings are red cabbage and broccoli.

The blue rubbish container is to show you that you can actually grow edible fruits in an inexpensive container. This grapefruit plant produces quite well. There are holes made in the container about 2 inches/5cms from the bottom to retain water when it is dry and to stop the roots going into the ground.